
Here we have compiled 3D models of some trace fossils kept in the IBGS laboratory generated by Brian Platt. Animations convey more information than still photos or stereo pairs, and the window for a movie can occupy the two-dimensional (2D) space of a single photograph. We created movies of burrow casts of a tiger beetle larva (Cicindela sp.), marsh crab (Sesarma sp.), ghost crab (Ocypode quadrata), sand boa (Eryx colubrinus), brown scorpion (Urodacus sp.), desert skink (Egernia inornata), and latex mold of a tridactyl track. Movies are simple 360ยบ rotations about a vertical axis through the center of each specimen. We created one movie with rotations about multiple axes through anatural sandstone cast of a tetradactyl dinosaur track from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA. See Platt et al. (2010) for more detail.