Hwangsanipes Yang et al. 1995


DESCRIPTION: Semipalmated, tetradactyl tracks with a prominent hallux (digit I) that is about ⅓ the length of the total track. Hallux is postero-medially directed. The space between digits III–IV is more anteriorly directed than the space between digits II–III. Digits III–IV have a more developed webbing than digits II–III. The average angle of divarication is between 110 to 120 degrees. Stride length is short and the tracks have a slight inward rotation. Track length with hallux is from 7.5–8.0 cm and the width is 6–6.5 cm.

BEHAVIOR(S): Repichnia

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Water-margin environment

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Plover-like birds (Charadriiformes)

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Upper Cretaceous

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Emended in Kim et al., 2012