Anatipeda Panin and Avram, 1962

JUNIOR SYNONYM(S): Gruipeda minor, Gruipeda intermeduia, Presbyornifornipes

DESCRIPTION: Anisodactyl track with three large digits (digits II to IV) and one small one (I) which is directed backwards and is spur-like. Digit I can sometimes not be impressed. Digits II to IV are similar in size and the angle of divarication is about 140 degrees. Digits II to IV are united almost to their tips by webbing. Digit I can sometimes be united as well. Claw impressions are present.

BEHAVIOR(S): Repichnia

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Water-margin environments

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Shoreline birds such as pelicans and their close relatives, flamingos and Anseriformes (ducks, geese and swans).


ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Emended by Sarjeant and Reynolds, 2001