Fucusopsis Schaffer, 1928

DESCRIPTION: Cylindrical to subcylindrical burrows; diameters range from 4–10 mm; long, straight, sometimes branching, crossing over and interpenetrating; parallel to bedding; with typical threadlike surficial morphology. Burrow fill is usually same grain size as surrounding sediment.

BEHAVIOR(S): Fodinichnia (deposit feeding)


POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Infaunal organism; annelid worm or vermiform animal. Surficial morphology produced by expansion by the tracemaker's body.

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Ordovician-recent

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Seilacher, 1977; Pickerill, 1981; Uchman, 1995, 1998

REMARKS: Description from Pickerill (1981)

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